News & FAQs


Who uses the AHEC Digital Library?

The AHEC Digital Library provides high-quality health information to hospital staff, preceptors, medical residents, and other health care providers across North Carolina.

This pie graph shows the variety of health care professionals who used the AHEC Digital Library

Where do AHEC librarians help North Carolina health professionals?

The AHEC library network touches every county in North Carolina. In 2016-17, AHEC’s librarians provided information, education, and support through more than 400,000 service interactions with health care providers across the state.

2017-18 AHEC library service interactions
Provider data from the UNC Sheps Center’s NC Health Professions Data System. Library service interactions include interaction counts reported by librarians and logins to the AHEC Digital Library.

How do AHEC librarians make a difference?

Health care providers across North Carolina can request literature searches from their AHEC librarians. In survey results conducted after completing a search, users responded that the information would impact their work, knowledge, and professional development in these ways.

Graph showing search results for AHEC libraries

What We Do

A nurse accesses the NC AHEC Digital Library using her iPad

AHEC librarians are here to answer your questions!

Libraries are a core part of the education and support that AHEC provides to North Carolina. Each of the nine AHEC locations has its own library, complete with a librarian staff prepared to meet the unique needs of the health care providers in their counties. In addition to this support, the AHEC Digital Library ensures that all providers in the state have high-quality health information at their fingertips.

Anyone can use the AHEC Digital Library.

Did you know? Anyone and everyone can access the AHEC Digital Library! We welcome individual guest users, who may use any of the resources that are not restricted by license to members, including resources for nursing and interprofessional practice and education, the Opioid Addiction Treatment Guide, and ABOG articles for certification.

AHEC librarians help North Carolina health professionals in every county.

The AHEC library network touches every county in North Carolina. In 2016-17, AHEC’s librarians provided information, education, and support through more than 400,000 service interactions with health care providers across the state.

How Can We Help?

AHEC librarians support any and all information needs of North Carolina’s health care providers. Whether you are a rural family physician in the mountains, a nursing student near the coast, or a mental health professional in the piedmont, NC AHEC libraries will support your clinical, educational, or research activities.

NC AHEC library services include literature searches to answer your health care related questions, one-on-one help with PubMed and other biomedical databases, exhaustive literature reviews to support health care research, support for the presentation or publication of research results, ensuring easy access to critical information for continuing professional development and AHEC special topic initiatives, setting up alerts and quick access to help you stay current with health news, and more!

Visit NC AHEC Libraries for more information on your local AHEC library or the library resources available to you through the AHEC Digital Library’s online portal.

AHEC Digital Library Membership Categories

Non-restricted content in the AHEC Digital Library is available to everyone, but if you need more access, we offer membership in four categories: 1) North Carolina Health Care Professionals Individual Memberships, 2) Community-Based Preceptors, Faculty, and Medical Residents ADL Memberships, 3) North Carolina Hospital Members, and 4) Collaborators on AHEC Health Quality and Workforce Initiatives.

An ADL membership provides access to full-text journals, books, and electronic databases as well as special health topic collections and links to carefully evaluated clinical and educational tools. The collection is compiled and vetted by knowledgeable AHEC librarians to support health care practice and clinical education in North Carolina.