A Coordinated Approach to Behavioral Health

What is NC AHEC’s role with Tailored Care Management (TCM)?

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Benefits (DHB) has partnered with NC AHEC to provide statewide practice support, education, and technical assistance to Advanced Medical Home Plus (AMH+) and Care Management Agency (CMA) organizations who pass the TCM desk review component of the certification process. The purpose of AHEC’s technical assistance is to enable AMH+/CMA candidate organizations to successfully complete organizational site reviews and achieve certification. AHEC’s program is also designed to equip TCM candidates with the tools and knowledge to effectively provide care management services to North Carolina’s Tailored Plan beneficiaries.

Through Tailored Care Management (TCM), launched December 1, 2022, Behavioral Health (BH) – I/DD Tailored Plan beneficiaries have a single designated care manager supported by a multidisciplinary care team to provide whole-person care management that holistically addresses their needs. This includes physical health, behavioral health, intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), traumatic brain injuries (TBI), pharmacy, long-term services and supports (LTSS), as well as unmet health-related resource needs. Tailored plans have assigned geographic areas. A state map is available at NC DHHS.

The success of Tailored Care Management will depend upon BH/IDD Tailored Plans, AMH+ practices, CMAs, pharmacies, physical health, behavioral health, and I/DD providers working together to provide a coordinated approach to beneficiary care.

For additional information and resources about Tailored Care Management, visit the DHHS Division of Health Benefits Tailored Care Management webpage.


Tailored Care Management, Learning Collaborative Sessions

Tailored Care Management Learning Collaboratives are designed for TCM certified organizations at no cost.  The sessions are designed to provide content experts and peer-to-peer learning opportunities to AMH+ and CMA organizations as they implement TCM. Sessions will continue every first and third Wednesday of the month from 12:30–1:30 PM. Please register for the TCM Learning Collaboratives on the TCM Web Portal’s “Events Calendar” section. Contact your AHEC Coach supporting TCM for additional information.

Tailored Care Management, Continuing Professional Development

NC AHEC provides Tailored Care Management related course offerings to both certified TCM agencies and live events to the community. Educational events are hosted by NC AHEC and regional AHECs, and various types of continuing education credit, depending on the topic. Events are offered at no cost to certified TCM agencies. There is a registration/credit fee for community members desiring to learn more about Tailored Care Management topics. Webinar platforms are provided for all events.


For questions about NC AHEC Tailored Care Management (TCM) Practice Support, contact Liz Griffin at Liz_Griffin@ncahec.net.

For questions about NC AHEC Tailored Care Management (TCM) Continuing Professional Development, contact Scott Melton at Scott.Melton@mahec.net

Our Partners

We all share the responsibility of ensuring quality health care is delivered to the citizens of North Carolina. Collaboration is key to achieving this goal. We appreciate our partners for their support of NC AHEC Practice Support.