Library Services Stories
Who uses the AHEC Digital Library?
The AHEC Digital Library provides high-quality health information to hospital staff, preceptors, medical residents, and other health care providers across North Carolina.
Where do AHEC librarians help North Carolina health professionals?
The AHEC library network touches every county in North Carolina. In 2016-17, AHEC’s librarians provided information, education, and support through more than 400,000 service interactions with health care providers across the state.

How do AHEC librarians make a difference?
Health care providers across North Carolina can request literature searches from their AHEC librarians. In survey results conducted after completing a search, users responded that the information would impact their work, knowledge, and professional development in these ways.
Northwest AHEC has been a major factor in the library services at Wilkes Regional Medical Center. The AHEC librarian helped me decide which books to use and to get our first library established. AHEC librarians are instrumental in journal and literature searches . . . Nursing staff can access information by going to the AHEC Digital Library and looking in journals for current information, or they can ask for a literature search or do it themselves. I just have to say that the Northwest AHEC librarians are wonderful!