
When deciding on an advanced training program after dental school, I was immediately drawn to MAHEC. I was attracted to the programā€™s focus on comprehensive general dentistry, the welcoming environment, and the location in the beautiful city of Asheville. . . . I am grateful to now be back at MAHEC as a faculty member.

Jessica Oliver, DDS, Class of 2012, MAHEC Dental Faculty

When youā€™re interviewing at different programs, you just have this gestalt ā€” the feeling of what is the right fit for you ā€” and we felt that automatically at MAHEC . . . The Asheville program just had a very strong culture of quality improvement, and I think was early in the adoption of evidence-based medicine . . . Everyone's thrilled to have the residency be part of Blue Ridge. I was so excited when the teaching health center opportunity came up, because I do think it's really important for us to expose young doctors to community health, because I think it's going to help influence them to choose practices that serve vulnerable populations.

Shannon Dowler, MD