Grant Will Expand Residents as Teachers Program

PLEASE NOTE: Greensboro AHEC is now known as Piedmont AHEC. The organization’s name changed on February 1, 2023.
The UNC School of Medicine’s Academy of Educators’ Residents as Teachers Program will now be offered at all AHEC sites thanks to an AHEC Innovation Grant. Richard Wardrop, MD, PhD, (photo above) associate professor of medicine and pediatrics, director of the internal medicine and pediatrics residency program, and president-elect of the Academy of Educators, was instrumental in securing the funding.
The Academy of Educators offers the Residents as Teachers Program to its resident members. Through collaborative workshops on several key areas of teaching and learning relating to patient care, medical education, scholarship, and physician re-engagement, the program is designed to provide residents a foundation in effective teaching and learning for the remainder of the their careers. Each resident completes the program under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
Now, residents at AHEC sites in Asheville, Charlotte, Wilmington, and Greensboro will have access to the training.
This AHEC Innovation grant marks the first attempt to link resident education in this fashion across a region and across several independent health systems for the benefit of medical student education and resident professional development.
Beginning in the 2016-2017 academic year, the AHEC sites will begin the work of setting up the infrastructure to support the program.
More information on the Residents as Teachers Program is available here.