RN Refresher Program Waives Tuition and Fees for Accelerated Online Course

Read the news story on unc.edu.
PLEASE NOTE: This tuition waiver is no longer available for the RN Refresher Program. Please click herE to learn more about enrollment and fees.
The RN Refresher Program, offered as part of a collaboration between the North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program (NC AHEC), the UNC School of Nursing and the UNC Friday Center for Continuing Education, is waiving tuition and fees for a three-month accelerated course option during the month of April 2020.
The RN Refresher Program includes a theory course and clinical practicum designed for nurses who have lapsed in their licensure and active nurses who are looking to update their knowledge. While the program typically takes nine months to complete, an accelerated track encourages experienced RNs from across the state to complete the theory course in three months and return to the field to respond to the growing demand for nurses in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The clinical practicum fee of $250 cannot be waived.
Nurses interested in applying for the program can do so by visiting nurserefresher.web.unc.edu/covid-19.
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