Future Leaders in Healthcare Gather at Campbell University

From May 20 to 22, 2016, nearly 200 secondary school students, 25 chaperones and ten AHEC staff from across North Carolina gathered at Campbell University in Buies Creek for the 17th annual Future Leaders in Healthcare Conference. Future Leaders is a statewide program of the NC AHEC Program.
The first day started with tours of the Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine and College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, followed by dinner and a welcome from Associate Dean Mark Moore, MBA, PharmD, RPh, Dean Michael L. Adams, PharmD, PhD, and Provost and VP of Academic Affairs Mark Hammond, PhD, and Conference Chair Tonya Burney, BA, of Southern Regional AHEC.
With “Racing Towards Your Future” as the conference title, motivational speaker Megan Mills inspired the students with her high energy and high impact message.
The second day featured a one-mile fun run and the NC Health Careers Access Program (HCAP) Health Professions Forum, Inspirational Speakers in Science Lecture (ISIS) and a Health Careers Student Panel. A health careers expo and Campbell University admissions information session was followed by concurrent sessions exploring anatomy, pharmacy, physical therapy, and physician assistant programs. Students exercised critical thinking skills when they competed in the Amazing Camel Race (a version of CBS’s “The Amazing Race”) on Saturday evening.
The final day was the culmination of the conference with the inaugural NC AHEC Passport Program Awards presentation made to 47 students. Each AHEC called the names of their students and awarded their certificates with a letter of commendation from NC AHEC Director Warren P. Newton, MD, MPH, and a medal to wear around their neck. It concluded with the students reading the NC AHEC Passport Creed:
I am a future leader in healthcare
I pledge to save lives and improve the health of North Carolinians
I am a future leader in healthcare
I am a person of excellence and integrity
I am a future leader in healthcare
I have a positive attitude and understand the importance of serving others
I am a future leader in healthcare
I will be a valued and respected member of the healthcare workforce
I am a future leader in healthcare
In so doing, I shall prove myself worthy
Of the North Carolina AHEC Health Careers Passport Award
About NC Health Careers: The NC AHEC Program Health Careers and Workforce Diversity Council was established to meet the state’s work and workforce needs by creating pipeline programs for students across North Carolina to become academically prepared for a career in health care. We are also navigators who engage, educate, and provide exploration opportunities to pre-college students, parents, educators, and community to the many careers in the health care workforce.
About the Passport Program: The NC AHEC Passport Program gives students a unique opportunity to gain academic and enrichment hours towards a Certificate of Completion that is recognized by academic institutions and employers in North Carolina. It sets students apart from other students in an increasingly competitive environment. The Passport Curriculum offers students the chance to document and collectively report all their health science, community service, and leadership activities as early as 8th grade.

Front Row (L to R): Jada B. Pankey; Nia S. Sweatt; Margaret McDonald; Avion Harris; Zafira Harris; Asia Watkins; Haley Salmons; Bianca Desai.
2nd Row: Hannah P. Brown; Jordyn Starr; Layla Tawhid; Yazmia Snipes; Michyla Greene.
3rd Row: Joshualan Parrish; Tatyana Pulley; Kazara Williams.
4th Row: Prattheeba Suthaharan; Jahlia Williams; Sakari Law; Alexis Williams; Nijah Edwards; Laura Lugo.
5th Row: Adrienne Mitchell; Geneva Harrison; Genesis Logan; Brenda Arellano-Perez; Melina Gonzalez; Camille Dixon; Jennifer Scott; Meagan Hopkins.
6th Row: Cedric Dixon; Ty’Monte Bulluck; Christian Stokes; Venkat Ravuri; Rakeem Yakubu.
Passport recipients not pictured: Lexie Bayliss; Rachel Figard; Maria Fritzler; Daniela Guzman Hernandez; Kamryn Hough; Vanna Labi; Ethan Lazo; Gabriela Lugo; Naijha Nsehti; Emili Potts; Jamal West; Tamar Wester; Asia White.